Sunday, July 31, 2011

Welcome to the crash site

I've always wanted to make comics. I've made a couple attempts behind closed doors, and did one web comic years ago that managed to run for a couple months. Nothing has ever stuck, though. There are a lot of reasons why those older projects fell through. The biggest, though, was probably the folly of youth. The feeling on the part of myself and those who partnered with me that we knew what we were doing, but in reality didn't have a clue. We assumed success because we were precious, unique snowflakes, and anything we made would be good because we were making it.

I am older now, and I know better. I am not a genius, and neither are the friends I chose to write for me (no offense to any of you). Nor was I a spectacular artist, though at times, before art school, I felt like one. We all grow up, bit by painful bit, and realize that the preconceived notions we held about what we were going to do and how were bullshit. Hence this blog.

Months ago I picked up Drawing Words & Writing Pictures. I was still at my crazy, for profit art school when I bought it, so I didn't have time to do anything but flip through it quickly and hope that I would have time to read it and do the exercises some day. Major illness forced me out of school, so that day has come.

I invite you to join me on my journey, as I learn how to do this thing I have always wanted to do. And though we may crash and burn, at least we can internalize the experience, becoming it, so we can use it in the future.

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